Bread and Butter Plates

Hadley Pottery's Bread and Butter Plates are the perfect size for dessert, snacks, sides and more. Create your set today!


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34 products

6" Bread Plate - AnchorBread and Butter Plate - Anchor
6" Bread Plate - Beach UmbrellaBread and Butter Plate - Beach
6" Bread Plate - Blue HorseBread and Butter Plate - Blue Horse
6" Bread Plate - BluetteBread and Butter Plate - Bluette
6" Bread Plate - BouquetBread and Butter Plate - Bouquet
6" Bread Plate - CatBread and Butter Plate - Cat
6" Bread Plate - ChickenBread and Butter Plate - Chicken
6" Bread Plate - Christmas TreeBread and Butter Plate - Christmas Tree
6" Bread Plate - CowBread and Butter Plate - Cow
6" Bread Plate - CrabBread and Butter Plate - Crab
6" Bread Plate - CupcakeBread and Butter Plate - Cupcake
6" Bread Plate - DogBread and Butter Plate - Dog
6" Bread Plate - DonkeyBread and Butter Plate - Donkey
6" Bread Plate - DuckBread and Butter Plate - Duck
6" Bread Plate - FarmerBread and Butter Plate - Farmer Man
6" Bread Plate - WifeBread and Butter Plate - Farmer Woman
Bread and Butter Plate - Fleur de LisBread and Butter Plate - Fleur de Lis
Bread and Butter Plate - Forget-Me-NotBread and Butter Plate - Forget-Me-Not
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Mary Alice Hadley's familiar stable of country, nautical, and decorative designs have graced tabletops and homes since before World War II. Discover more about this talented artist and designer and her multifaceted creative output.

The timeless talent that became a family tradition.

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