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305 products

9" Lunch Plate - BouquetLunch Plate - Bouquet
Lunch Plate - Bouquet Sale price$37.00
Everything Bowl - SailboatEverything Bowl - Sailboat
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Pasta Plate - Blue HorsePasta Plate - Blue Horse
Pasta Plate - Blue Horse Sale price$52.00
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11" Dinner Plate - AnchorDinner Plate - Anchor
Dinner Plate - Anchor Sale price$48.00
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Ramekin - Blue HorseRamekin - Blue Horse
Ramekin - Blue Horse Sale price$25.00
4" Coaster - ShipCoaster - Ship
Coaster - Ship Sale price$19.00
6" Bread Plate - HorseBread and Butter Plate - Horse
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9" Lunch Plate - Christmas TreeLunch Plate - Christmas Tree
Sold out
11" Dinner Plate - SnowmanDinner Plate - Snowman
Dinner Plate - Snowman Sale price$48.00
Everything Bowl - WifeEverything Bowl - Farmer Woman
Everything Bowl - FarmerEverything Bowl - Farmer Man
7" Deep Bowl - AnchorDeep Soup Bowl - Anchor
Deep Soup Bowl - Anchor Sale price$51.00
Sold out
9" Lunch Plate - AnchorLunch Plate - Anchor
Lunch Plate - Anchor Sale price$37.00
Everything Bowl - AnchorEverything Bowl - Anchor
Everything Bowl - Anchor Sale price$32.00
Coaster - The Best of Luck
6" Bread Plate - WifeBread and Butter Plate - Farmer Woman
Everything Bowl - BouquetEverything Bowl - Bouquet
Everything Bowl - Bouquet Sale price$32.00
4" Regular Bowl - ABCWee Bowl - ABC
Wee Bowl - ABC Sale price$25.00
A singular vision. A community of craftspeople.
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Mary Alice Hadley's familiar stable of country, nautical, and decorative designs have graced tabletops and homes since before World War II. Discover more about this talented artist and designer and her multifaceted creative output.

The timeless talent that became a family tradition.

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